Know about Pet-Friendly Complexes from GLS Realty


Pets are the sources of unconditional love. A child growing up with pets turns into a more compassionate human being. Various surveys prove that people with pets stay happier than others. So if you are a pet parent then you should search for a pet-friendly complex to stay in.

What is a pet-friendly complex?

A pet-friendly complex is just what it means, i.e. it’s a housing complex that caters precisely to the necessities of pet owners and their little furry friends. This means that the housing complexes have friendly environments for both you and your favorite animals. Pet-friendly flats are very much desirable for their special pet conveniences, which can not be seen generally.

It is legal to have your pets in your apartment:-

Our Indian Animal Welfare Board has a directory of by-laws for pets where it is written that not only do the housing complexes and their administration councils have no right to make rules for pets, but also they can not order that pet owners have to keep their pets hidden. They cannot press fees on pets.

How to keep your pets in your complex:-

Pets gradually become our family members. 

In a housing complex, a pet owner might face problems with non-pet owners as they are unable to catch the emotion. This feud is constant.

But the pet owners can do certain things to not give a single ground to the non-pet lovers to raise complaints.

Pet owners should,

  1. Clean their pets properly
  2. Be decent and keep their pets under control when it is needed.
  3. Take care of the vaccines as it is very important.
  4. Train their pets properly.
  5. Take responsibility for your pets.

Besides, the complex management committee should keep a balance between the pet owners and non-pet owners and secure every bylaw properly.

Characteristics of Pet-friendly housing complexes:-

With the rise of demand for pet-friendly complexes, developers are also making complexes with extra features for pets. For example, they are making,

  • Separate dog pool on demand.
  • Special pet-friendly furniture.
  • Apartment with cozy window seats for little furry friends.
  • Grooming settings.
  • Pet-friendly walkways.
  • Veterinary clinic.
  • Model dog park and so on.

With these advanced features, you can maintain your pets very well and keep them happy.


In conclusion, we can’t say that as a pet owner you should know what are your rights and what are your duties. If you play your duties properly then no one can cut your rights. So have pets, love them, keep them in your apartment with proper maintenance and be a happy person. GLS Realty also tends to make pet-friendly complexes as per your need. 

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